Idiot Proof Fall Lawn Renovation

Idiot Proof Fall Lawn Renovation

What is Idiot-Proof Fall Lawn Renovation? Lawn renovations for cool-season grasses are the most successful in the fall. It’s important to watch the calendar and follow these ten steps for fall lawn seeding. When overseeding and renovating your lawn, timing is...
Fall Armyworm Invasion

Fall Armyworm Invasion

Should I be concerned about Armyworms? In a typical fall season, armyworms are not a big concern for our region, and the last major infestation was in 2014. Fall armyworms are not indigenous to our area and do not overwinter here. Instead, they are larval of a moth...
Mowing Height of Cut for Your Grass

Mowing Height of Cut for Your Grass

What Is HOC?  In reference to lawn or turf, HOC is an acronym for “height of cut”. Cool season grasses such as Heat Wave, Macho Mix, Estate Mix, Blue Wave and Stadium Special, the optimum height of cut is between 3-4 inches.  During the cooler spring and...
Should I Mow Wet Grass?

Should I Mow Wet Grass?

After the Rain, Let the Soggy Areas in the Lawn Dry Use your best judgement, you know the spots that hold water and those that drain well. A sunny south or west facing yard may need only one good afternoon to dry out and an east or north protected area may take a few...