by Andrew Gindlesberger | General, Testimonials, Turf
“I have been a Loyal Grass Pad customer for decades. I use their products on my primary home and all of our rental properties for outstanding turf management. The Idiot Proof Lawn Program works and the advice they give on the height of cut is priceless. Too bad...
by Uncle | DIY, Garden, General, Nursery, Spring
Grow Your Own Victory Garden Growing your own garden can be economical, healthy, fun, and educational for the whole family, plus you get tomatoes! Gardening can be that break you need from the hustle and bustle of the workweek. Gardening can be the connection you were...
by Uncle | Fall, General, Seed, Spring, Turf
How Often to Water Grass Seed The age-old question comes with an age-old answer – enough so it grows! Uncle knows that’s not very helpful, so here are a few tips for making sure you water your new seed enough to see excellent results. Water Frequently and Lightly The...
by Uncle | DIY, General, Testimonials
“I began two years ago after moving in. Went ahead and dethatched, aerated, over seeded with Grass Pad blends, and covered in peat moss. I took great care with water and diligence until it was time to cut back and begin mowing more.” -Gage B. -Kansas City,...
by Andrew Gindlesberger | General, Testimonials, Turf
“1 year old sod, fixed with Grass Pad products. Yard is thick, weed free, and Green!” -Cody C. -Omaha,...
by Andrew Gindlesberger | Fall, General, Macho Mix, Testimonials
“After struggling for two years to establish a decent lawn with overseeding with box-store products, we finally made the decision to completely renovate our lawn last Fall. We used Grass Pad’s Macho Mix and could not be happier with the results. During the...