Starting Garden Seeds Indoors

Starting Garden Seeds Indoors

Grow Your Own Victory Garden Growing your own garden can be economical, healthy, fun, and educational for the whole family, plus you get tomatoes! Gardening can be that break you need from the hustle and bustle of the workweek. Gardening can be the connection you were...
Benefits of Planting Trees and Shrubs in the Fall

Benefits of Planting Trees and Shrubs in the Fall

When Should I Plant Trees and Shrubs? Traditionally, spring has been the popular time for planting new trees. Recovering from a mind-numbingly long winter and the absence of color in the landscape, we get excited when we see that big yellow ball in the sky in early...
How Much to Water New Grass Seed

How Much to Water New Grass Seed

How Often to Water Grass Seed The age-old question comes with an age-old answer – enough so it grows! Uncle knows that’s not very helpful, so here are a few tips for making sure you water your new seed enough to see excellent results. Water Frequently and Lightly The...
Kill the Weeds to Prep for Seeds

Kill the Weeds to Prep for Seeds

Just like the pre-season for football, August is the pre-season for September overseeding. If you have started seeing weeds pop up with the late-summer heat, then eliminating them now is going to be your first step in the fall lawn renovation process. While many weeds...