Tony S. – Testimonial
April 23, 2019
Tony S Lawn Hall of Fame

“Previously we had lots of weeds and patchy areas with bare spots from previous owner. After hours of research and talking to various people we came up with a plan. We overseeded last fall using Heatwave Plus, Golf Course Starter and Milorganite. Due to heavy clay we plan to start adding Anderson’s Humic DG (now carried at the Olathe store) to improve soil health- healthy soil = health plants!

Coming out of dormancy this spring we have Prodiamine and Golf Course Starter down and spot sprayed broadleaf weeds with Speedzone. It’s like a whole new lawn! We live on a corner and when working outside I constantly have local contractors asking if they can put a sign in our yard to mark it as their own. Neighbors want to know what we’ve done and if we’ll help them too.

Nothing better than the line of domination and a thick, weed free lawn- except now I need to get a striper to really make it pop.”

-Tony S.

-Overland Park, KS

Tyler K. – Testimonial

Tyler K. – Testimonial

"I’ve been using Grass Pad’s Idiot-Proof Program ever since I bought my home. Couldn’t be happier with the results and recommend Grass Pad to...


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