Flower Pots for Sale at the Grass Pad

Flower Pots for Sale at the Grass Pad

Plant Pots at the Grass Pad Whether you need a small pot for a window sill, or want to have a large container garden on your patio, the Grass Pad has what you need! Not only do we have many different sizes of pottery, our pottery comes from a variety of locations,...

Should I Mow Wet Grass?

Should I Mow Wet Grass?

After the Rain, Let the Soggy Areas in the Lawn Dry Use your best judgement, you know the spots that hold water and those that drain well. A sunny south or west facing yard may need only one good afternoon to dry out and an east or north protected area may take a few...

Bird Feeders and Bird Seed at the Grass Pad

Bird Feeders and Bird Seed at the Grass Pad

How Do I Pick a Bird Feeder and Bird Seed? What could be more relaxing than enjoying a cup of coffee at the kitchen table while watching birds jockey for spots at the feeder on your porch? As temperatures drop, our winged friends who didn't make the trip south for the...

How to Kill Zoysia or Bermuda Grass

How to Kill Zoysia or Bermuda Grass

The aggressive growth of zoysia and Bermuda grasses make them very invasive species of grass. It is also a warm-season grass, meaning that it's only green during the warm months of the year when it is actively growing, which also happens to be the best time to kill...

White Grub Control in Grass Lawns

White Grub Control in Grass Lawns

The insect that historically causes the most significant destruction to mid-west lawns is the white grub. Grubs are challenging to control because they attack the grass from the basement. The white grub chews on grass roots underneath the thatch layer of the grass...

How to Control Nutgrass in Your Lawn

How to Control Nutgrass in Your Lawn

Nutgrass is a common problem in summer lawns. Nutsedge (A.K.A. nutgrass) is a perennial, grass-like sedge that tends to be prolific in poorly drained or wet areas. Nutgrass plants regenerate from small nutlets formed on their root system under the soil...

How to Control Bagworms

How to Control Bagworms

What are Bagworms?You’ve seen them hanging from evergreens and spruce trees every summer. Left unchecked bagworm populations will grow to damaging levels very quickly. One adult bagworm can produce over 1,000 baby bagworms.When to Spray BagwormsLate May to early June...

Japanese Beetle Control

Japanese Beetle Control

Japanese beetles are this generation’s destroyer of the landscape. These little metallic militants appear in swarms in July and last for months. They are feeding on their favorite plants and when those are decimated, they move on to the next.  They love roses, fruit...

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