Collin D. – Testimonial
May 2, 2022
Colling D. - Grass Pad Lawn Hall of Fame 2022

“*Disclaimer* I am not a professional lawn care specialist, I work in an office, I have never maintained a lawn before this and often have no idea what I’m doing when it comes to lawn care.

I purchased my home in May of 2020 and the 1.5 acre yard was a major selling point despite not being well maintained for years. After putting bandaids on it for the first year it became clear that the only way I was going to get the turf I wanted was to nuke the Bermuda infested 1980’s K31 yard and start over. So, that’s exactly what I did in Sept of 21 with the help from the pros at GrassPad. The turf that you see today is 7mo old, 100% heat wave seed mowed at 3” and will only improve as it matures. I only used products sourced at my local GrassPad to accomplish what you see today. With a large renovation like that it is not perfect today but I have a great foundation to build on now start on thanks to the great staff at GrassPad and following the “Idiot Proof Steps” I can enjoy my yard. Thanks guys!”

-Collin D.

-Overland Park, KS

Colling D. - Before Grass Pad Lawn Hall of Fame 2022
Colling D. - Grass Pad Lawn Hall of Fame 2022
Tyler K. – Testimonial

Tyler K. – Testimonial

"I’ve been using Grass Pad’s Idiot-Proof Program ever since I bought my home. Couldn’t be happier with the results and recommend Grass Pad to...


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