by Uncle | DIY, General, Testimonials
“I began two years ago after moving in. Went ahead and dethatched, aerated, over seeded with Grass Pad blends, and covered in peat moss. I took great care with water and diligence until it was time to cut back and begin mowing more.” -Gage B. -Kansas City,...
by Uncle | General, Heat Wave Plus, Testimonials
“I’ve been using Grass Pad’s Idiot-Proof Program ever since we bought our new home. Dethatched last year and overseeded with HeatWave Plus. Lawn is looking better than ever!” -Jake K. -Olathe,...
by Uncle | Heat Wave Plus, Testimonials
“I have come to the Olathe location since Spring of 2014. The 5-step program helped me overhaul a poor lawn in Mission, KS and make it a beauty. Now, at our home in Overland Park, Uncle has helped me create another beautiful landscape. Thanks for all of your help and...
by Uncle | Heat Wave Plus, Testimonials
“Another successful season with the Idiot Proof Lawn Care Program. Not only is it easy to do, but the results are consistent year to year. This is year 7 of the plan and our results have always been great.” “I attached a few pictures of the lawn for this...