by Uncle | Broadleaf Weeds, DIY, Grassy Weeds, Seed, Spring, Weed Control
It’s early spring, but where should you start in your lawn? The beginner’s guide to Idiot Proof Lawn Care begins with learning two different types of weeds we deal with in Midwest lawns: grassy weeds and broadleaf weeds. Each type will require different...
by Uncle | DIY, Fertilizer, Grassy Weeds, Spring, Turf, Weed Control
Controlling Crabgrass in the Lawn Of all lawn weeds, crabgrass is the most common and bothersome. It is probably the only weed that everyone hates! Even though crabgrass is a grass, it doesn’t blend in with lawn grasses in color, habit, or texture and can be so...
by Uncle | DIY, Fertilizer, Grassy Weeds, Spring, Summer, Weed Control
Patience is your best virtue when it comes to good crabgrass prevention. You can’t fool Mother Nature and when it comes to making her garden grow. Ugly annual summer weeds love the heat. Crabgrass, goosegrass, and foxtail weed seeds will not germinate until the ground...
by Uncle | DIY, Fertilizer, Grassy Weeds, Seed, Social, Spring, Turf
Can You Overseed your Lawn in Spring and Keep out Crabgrass? Yes, you can! However, overseeding lawns in spring can be challenging to keep out ugly crabgrass and foxtail. Loveland PREVENT, our most effective and longer-lasting crabgrass pre-emergent, cannot be used...
by Uncle | DIY, Fall, Seed, Turf, Weed Control
Why do I have weeds in my yard? Each year about mid-way through the fall overseeding season, we will have concerned customers who come in or send us emails telling us, “I followed your fall lawn renovation program; I bought your weed-free grass seed. Where did...
by Uncle | DIY, Fall, Grassy Weeds, Social, Spring, Summer, Weed Control
Nutgrass is a common problem in summer lawns. Nutsedge (A.K.A. nutgrass) is a perennial, grass-like sedge that tends to be prolific in poorly drained or wet areas. Nutgrass plants regenerate from small nutlets formed on their root system under the soil surface. ...
by Uncle | Broadleaf Weeds, DIY, Fall, Social, Spring, Summer, Weed Control
Broadleaf weeds, like dandelions, henbit, clover, chickweed, and plantain, are often described as the “salad bar weeds” because they look like they might be on a salad bar at Hy-Vee. These and other broadleaf weeds can survive winter, and as soils warm in...
by Uncle | Fall, Grassy Weeds, Turf, Weed Control
We’re Having a Record Year This year we’ve had record high temps, record drought, record low temps. Unfortunately, they are not good kinds of records. However, this week’s record-low temperatures are not signaling the end of the fall seeding season....