Bluegrass Makes the Best Lawn

When it comes to native grasses, Kentucky bluegrass is truly Mother Nature’s Masterpiece. When left untended in the wild, this tough, productive grass will aggressively crowd out most other grass varieties, including fescues. Fifty years ago, most of the bluegrass seed grown in the country was grown and processed here in our area.

Blue Wave Bluegrass Seed from the Grass Pad

Grass Pad’s Blue Wave bluegrass seed is a blend of elite Kentucky bluegrass varieties. The ideal combination of next-generation bluegrass varieties with characteristics for dark color, disease resistance, heat tolerance, and wearability make the Blue Wave the number one choice for bluegrass lawns.

Blue Wave bluegrass makes the most desirable lawn with the least effort of any turfgrass species for ten months out of the year. Today, improved varieties of Blue Wave bluegrass are more drought tolerant and produce the darkest green color available for lawn grasses. Blue Wave bluegrass has rhizomes that allow it to spread, fill in bare spots, and repair itself from damage. This turf quality makes it more wear tolerant than fescues and is ideal for safe playing surfaces on sports fields or backyard lawns.

Watering Blue Wave Keeps it Green 

While Blue Wave requires some irrigation to maintain summer color, established Blue Wave can survive extended droughts in a dormant state. Irrigating Blue Wave with one inch of water on ten-day intervals in July and August and reduced mowing will sustain Blue Wave’s deep green color. Excessive heat conditions may require additional watering.

Will you water your lawn?
Estate Mix Grass Seed

What is Estate Mix Bluegrass?

Estate Mix is a Grass Pad grass seed blend combining Blue Wave plus sports turf perennial ryegrasses. Estate Mix is perfect for early spring and late fall lawn renovations in cooler soil conditions. The fast germination of sports turf ryegrass and the aggressive self-repairing ability of Blue Wave make Estate Mix another excellent choice for heavy-traffic play areas and backyards with large dogs. With its dark green color and uniform cut, Estate Mix will make your front lawn look like a golf course fairway.

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