Aaron Z. – Testimonial
May 30, 2023
Aaron Z. - Grass Pad Lawn Hall of Fame

“New house = new sod, but you all know new sod takes a few seasons of TLC to get a perfect lawn.
Thanks to my love of the lawn and the support of my local Grasspad, I was able to get to my measurement of perfection in just two seasons!

First picture shows the lawn and all other plants and trees – sourced from the Grasspad.

Second photo is the 4th of July mow, gives the pilots flying into JC Executive something to look at on approach.

Thanks grasspad!”

-Aaron Z.

-Overland Park, KS

Aaron Z. - Grass Pad Lawn Hall of  Fame
Tyler K. – Testimonial

Tyler K. – Testimonial

"I’ve been using Grass Pad’s Idiot-Proof Program ever since I bought my home. Couldn’t be happier with the results and recommend Grass Pad to...


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