The past few years the two most talked about insects were the Japanese beetle and emerald ash borer. If you act now, this could be the year you get out ahead of these plundering pests and control aphids, scale and sawfly larvae at the same time.

What Are the Signs of Emerald Ash Borer?

Look for small D-shaped holes approximately 1/8 inch in diameter in the bark of the tree. Also, look for splitting in the bark revealing S-shaped grooves or trails under the bark.

How Can I protect Ash Trees from the Emerald Ash Borer?

Protect trees and shrubs before the beetles emerge by using a soil drench application of Dominion Tree & Shrub insecticide.  A direct soil application of Dominion Tree & Shrub provides systemic insect control with up to twelve-month residual. Systemic controls are absorbed by the plant and are held within the plant tissue. When the borer or beetle chew the plant, they poison themselves.

When do I apply Dominion Tree & Shrub?

Start early and apply Dominion Tree & Shrub before Mother’s Day. Be careful to read and follow all label directions.

What Are Some of the Other Insects Controlled Using Dominion?

In addition to EAB, emerald ash borer and Japanese beetles, Dominion Tree & Shrub is an excellent control for aphids, birch borers, leafhoppers, leaf beetles, mealybugs, pine tip moth larvae, pine sawfly, scale, and whitefly.

How to Control Adult Japanese Beetles on My Trees, Shrubs and Roses?

Protect trees and shrubs after the Japanese beetles emerge. Apply Cyonara to the leaves every week to fight off beetles.

Uncle’s tip: Protect your lawn from Japanese beetle grub damage this fall with a July application of Long Lasting Grub Control.


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