by Uncle | DIY, Seed, Turf, Winter
Damage to Home Lawns from Ice Melter Sodium Chloride, or rock salt, is the most commonly used ice melter. Sodium chloride is the least expensive and widely available in granular form or brine solutions used by homeowners, professionals, municipalities, and...
by Uncle | DIY, Fertilizer, Grassy Weeds, Seed, Social, Spring, Turf, Winter
How To Keep Mud Out of the House How to Fix Soggy Yards How to Save Your Outdoor Event Safe Alternative to Ice Melters Primera for Gardens Primera for Top Dressing Stop the Dog from Tracking Mud Save the Carpet! Use Primera Sports Field Conditioner over high traffic...
by Uncle | DIY, Fall, Fertilizer, Seed, Social, Summer, Turf
Core Aerator vs Verticutter What’s the difference between core aeration and verticutting? Which one should I use on my lawn? We get these same questions from customers every year. During fall overseeding season, there are many different options as to how to prepare...
by Uncle | DIY, Fertilizer, Grassy Weeds, Seed, Spring, Turf
Can I Overseed the Lawn after Applying Crabgrass Pre-emergent? Do not overseed areas where PREVENT, crabgrass preventer has been applied. PREVENT is a combination of spring fertilizer plus a powerful crabgrass pre-emergent and will prevent grass seed and grassy weed...
by Uncle | DIY, Fertilizer, Grassy Weeds, Seed, Social, Spring, Turf
Can You Overseed your Lawn in Spring and Keep out Crabgrass? Yes, you can! However, overseeding lawns in spring can be challenging to keep out ugly crabgrass and foxtail. Loveland PREVENT, our most effective and longer-lasting crabgrass pre-emergent, cannot be used...
by Uncle | DIY, General, Spring, Turf
Early Spring Lawn Care Every spring, Mother Nature gives plant life a chance to start over. The winter season has been a long time out. The warm weather is coming back, and now there is a chance to begin anew. Gardeners and homeowners can’t make spring come one...
by Uncle | DIY, Spring, Varmints, Winter
Voles are a small rodent that appears throughout Kansas and Missouri. Sometimes called “field mice,” voles have short tails, short legs, tiny eyes, and their ears are partly hidden. Adult voles are small, with a body length of 3-5 inches. Voles do not hibernate and...
by Uncle | DIY, Fall, Fertilizer, Seed, Summer, Turf
Did you ever wish you had a delete button for your lawn and could start it all over? While we admire and encourage those who relentlessly defend their turf against drought, fungus, and weeds, there comes a time when the best strategy is to give up and...