5 October Lawn Care Tips

5 October Lawn Care Tips

It’s mid-October; homeowners with cool-season grasses savor these mild fall temperatures. If you have been following Uncle’s Idiot Proof Lawn Program and you have a cool-season grass, your lawn is looking incredible right now. After all, cool-season grasses, like Blue...
Ryan H. – Lawn Hall of Fame

Ryan H. – Lawn Hall of Fame

“I’ve used nothing but Grass Pad products and advice from my buddy Richard since moving into our new home. Our neighborhood has an annual 4th of July parade and I’ve received multiple compliments. It’s now a goal to always look great on the 4th. It’s looking...
Marcus M. – Testimonial

Marcus M. – Testimonial

“Spring has sprung and the grass is coming alive! I added some heatwave to the bluegrass this year and it’s really going! Threw down some circle stripes and I think it looks great! Get out there and experiment!” -Marcus M. -Lee’s Summit, MO 6x Lawn Hall of...