by Uncle | General, Macho Mix, Testimonials
“We moved into our home in ’22 and inherited just an absolute disaster of a yard; everything but grass was present. Fall of ’22, I got fed up and killed it all. Did a spring seeding of Macho Mix and Renovator and just watched the beauty happen right...
by Uncle | DIY, Fall, Social, Spring, Summer, Turf
What Is HOC? In reference to lawn or turf, HOC is an acronym for “height of cut”. Cool season grasses such as Heat Wave, Macho Mix, Estate Mix, Blue Wave and Stadium Special, the optimum height of cut is between 3-4 inches. During the cooler spring and...
by Uncle | DIY, Fall, Seed, Turf, Weed Control
Why do I have weeds in my yard? Each year about mid-way through the fall overseeding season, we will have concerned customers who come in or send us emails telling us, “I followed your fall lawn renovation program; I bought your weed-free grass seed. Where did...
by Uncle | Disease, DIY, Fall, Fertilizer, Seed, Spring, Summer, Trees, Turf
How to Keep Grass Growing Under Trees Very little is required to germinate grass seed. The right amount of moisture and heat and grass seed will grow even with no light and no nutrients. Mother Nature designed her grass seeds to sprout in the deep shade of established...
by Uncle | DIY, Seed, Social, Sod, Summer, Turf
The aggressive growth of zoysia and Bermuda grasses make them very invasive species of grass. It is also a warm-season grass, meaning that it’s only green during the warm months of the year when it is actively growing, which also happens to be the best time to...