by Uncle | DIY, Fall, Turf
Is it Too Late to Overseed My Lawn? The answer is almost always “No.” If you haven’t overseeded your lawn this fall, today is better than tomorrow, and tomorrow is better than next week. The opportunity for seeds to germinate and get established is...
by Uncle | Disease, DIY, Spring, Turf
What is Powdery Mildew? Signs of Powdery Mildew What Causes Powdery Mildew? How to Treat Powdery Mildew. Effects of Powdery Mildew on Turf Will Powdery Mildew Go Away? What is Slime Mold? How to Treat Slime Mold. What Is Powdery Mildew? It can happen in early spring...
by Uncle | DIY, General, Spring, Turf
Early Spring Lawn Care Every spring, Mother Nature gives plant life a chance to start over. The winter season has been a long time out. The warm weather is coming back, and now there is a chance to begin anew. Gardeners and homeowners can’t make spring come one...
by Uncle | Disease, DIY, Fall, Social, Spring, Summer, Turf
Hot, humid temperatures bring disease and fungus to your yard. Managing disease in turf starts early in spring – lawn spots are a lot easier to prevent than control. By applying granular Fungus Fighter, we can protect the lawn before pathogens get into the plant...
by grasspad | Uncategorized
How to Pick the Right Grass Seed How to Choose the Right Grass Seed for Your Lawn. First, consider everything you and your family do or want to do in your yard. Are you looking for a play area that can stand up to all the running around done by your kids and pets? Do...