Rosie S – Testimonial
October 11, 2018
Uncle's Hall of Fame Member

“October 2015 – I wanted to share my yard story with you: I purchase my home in April 2014 and I did renovations on the inside the first year. I contact Jerry Moore in April 2015 and told him I was ready to give my yard a face lift. Jerry told me to wait until the Fall and then we would come up with a plan.

Over Labor Day weekend I rented a verticut machine, purchased 50 pounds of Heat Wave seed, two bags of fertilizer and got to work on my yard. I purchased a couple of sprinklers and then began watering and sat back and watched my yard come to life! I am SURE my neighbors thought I was OCD because I wanted to make sure that my seed took.

This was one of the most rewarding projects I undertook! One of my goals in life was to have one of those yards that you just want to slip off your shoes and run through and with the help of Grasspad and Jerry Moore I am going to achieve that goal.

Thank You 

-Rosie S. – Leavenworth KS  

Tyler K. – Testimonial

Tyler K. – Testimonial

"I’ve been using Grass Pad’s Idiot-Proof Program ever since I bought my home. Couldn’t be happier with the results and recommend Grass Pad to...


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