by Andrew Gindlesberger | General, Testimonials, Turf
“I have been a Loyal Grass Pad customer for decades. I use their products on my primary home and all of our rental properties for outstanding turf management. The Idiot Proof Lawn Program works and the advice they give on the height of cut is priceless. Too bad...
by Uncle | DIY, Seed, Turf, Winter
Damage to Home Lawns from Ice Melter Sodium Chloride, or rock salt, is the most commonly used ice melter. Sodium chloride is the least expensive and widely available in granular form or brine solutions used by homeowners, professionals, municipalities, and...
by Uncle | DIY, Garden, General, Nursery, Spring
Grow Your Own Victory Garden Growing your own garden can be economical, healthy, fun, and educational for the whole family, plus you get tomatoes! Gardening can be that break you need from the hustle and bustle of the workweek. Gardening can be the connection you were...
by Uncle | DIY, Fertilizer, Grassy Weeds, Seed, Social, Spring, Turf, Winter
How To Keep Mud Out of the House How to Fix Soggy Yards How to Save Your Outdoor Event Safe Alternative to Ice Melters Primera for Gardens Primera for Top Dressing Stop the Dog from Tracking Mud Save the Carpet! Use Primera Sports Field Conditioner over high traffic...
by Uncle | Broadleaf Weeds, DIY, Fertilizer, Turf, Winter
Why Fertilize Grass in Winter? Most people think about fertilizing their lawns in the spring and early fall. But, late fall and mid winters can be opportunities for applying much-needed nutrients to the soil. Loveland Snowman, a winter root builder, is the most...
by Uncle | DIY, Seed, Social, Turf, Winter
What is Dormant Seeding? Why Dormant Seed? When is the Best Time? What is the Best Seed? What is Snow Seeding? What is Frost Seeding? What are the Benefits? How to Prevent Crabgrass What is Dormant Seeding? Dormant seeding is a collective term for overseeding lawns in...
by Uncle | DIY, Nursery, Social, Trees, Winter
Real vs. Fake Christmas Trees Uncle says, NO PLASTIC TREES! Each holiday season news articles, web sites and commentators debate whether it is better for the environment to use a plastic artificial Christmas tree or a real Christmas tree. Uncle says “be green...
by Uncle | DIY, Fall, Fertilizer, Seed, Sod, Turf, Weed Control
It’s mid-October; homeowners with cool-season grasses savor these mild fall temperatures. If you have been following Uncle’s Idiot Proof Lawn Program and you have a cool-season grass, your lawn is looking incredible right now. After all, cool-season grasses, like Blue...
by Uncle | DIY, Fall, Turf
Is it Too Late to Overseed My Lawn? The answer is almost always “No.” If you haven’t overseeded your lawn this fall, today is better than tomorrow, and tomorrow is better than next week. The opportunity for seeds to germinate and get established is...