Karen A. – Testimonial
May 30, 2023
Karen A. Grass Pad Lawn Hall of Fame

“We love dogs, we love rescue dogs the most, and it is rewarding to see them come out of their shell and becomes dogs again. We dream of rescue dogs running over plush green lawns playing and napping all day. That was just a farfetched dream for a long time. We have three big rescue dogs, that is 12 big paws that are very busy, all day, every day, and we had very little healthy grass, it was mostly dirt /mud and the damage was always too much to get a healthy lawn. That is where we started two years ago.

Grass Pad’s Macho Mix and Idiot Proof Program to the rescue!

The pictures above speak for themselves.

The three challengers +The BIG challenge +Idiot Proof = The dream

We do add Primera FC, critter gitter, and fungus fighter to our program.”

-Karen A.

-Olathe, KS

Karen A. Grass Pad Lawn Hall of Fame
Karen A. Grass Pad Lawn Hall of Fame
Tyler K. – Testimonial

Tyler K. – Testimonial

"I’ve been using Grass Pad’s Idiot-Proof Program ever since I bought my home. Couldn’t be happier with the results and recommend Grass Pad to...


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