Marcus M. – Testimonial
"Spring has sprung and the grass is coming alive! I added some heatwave to the bluegrass this year and it’s really going! Threw down some...
"Spring has sprung and the grass is coming alive! I added some heatwave to the bluegrass this year and it’s really going! Threw down some...
"Used the Renovator on my Bluegrass and it's looking great! Over seeding with BlueWave in the fall!" -Bobby B. -Bennington, NE
“Started lawn renovation last year with dethatch, aeration and overseedind with macho mix and used your fertilizer. This spring I worked on...
"I tell anyone who will listen about the great products from Grass Pad (C20, 18-5-9, etc) and the Idiot Proof Program. Year after year they...
"When I bought my house it was a dirt track and full of weeds. Hauled 250 bags of leaves, trash, weeds, limbs out of what are now rock beds....
"Started using The Idiot Proof system about 10 years ago when we bought our first home. Since our kids have gotten so busy I haven’t been the...
"I’ve been using Grass Pad for over 10 years and I’m very happy with their products. Using the Idiot Proof Lawn Care Program, along with some...
"I've been using ONLY Grass Pad products since we bought our first home in Mission in 2013. Now in Overland Park, still following Uncle's...
"Started using the Grass Pad when we bought our first home. Had to completely redo the yard and had amazing results. So naturally when our new...
“I’m on my 3rd year using the Idiot proof program and could not be any happier on how my yard is looking. I can’t tell you how many...
“Have been using Grasspad for a few years now. Started using it at our old house and why switch with our new house. These are the results. I...
“I moved into a new home in 2020, and the yard was absolutely horrible. Filled with 20 different grasses, tall wide blade fescues and Pasture...