Renovator Pasture Mix
- Superior Value
- Excellent milk production per acre
- Very high forage yield
- Easily frost seeded, broadcast or drilled
- Top choice for grazing, greenchop, or hay

- Use for renovation existing pasture
- Suited for hay field applications such as dairies
- Improving weak alfalfa stands
Seeding Rates:
Seeding rates for pasture or hay field renovation varies according to the quality and quantity of the existing forage in the field.
- Pastures: 20-40lbs./acres (20# if pasture is very good, 40# if pasture is poor)
- Alfalfa hay field renovation: 5-10 lbs./acre
- Clover can be added at no more than 1-2 lbs./acre.
Show Horse Pasture Mix
- Excellent season long performance
- Very high yielding forage
- Endophyte-free forage
- Excellent for grazing

- Use for starting a new pasture
- Suited for hay field applications such as dairies
- Improving weak alfalfa stands
Seeding Rates:
Seeding rates for pasture or hay field renovation varies according to the quality and quantity of the existing forage in the field.
- Pastures: 35-50 lbs./acre drilled, 40-50 lbs./acre by broadcast
- Alfalfa hay field renovation: 3-5 lbs./acre
- Clover can be added at no more than 1-2 lbs./acre.
Methods of Seeding:
Use of a Brillion seeder, a no-till or a culti-packer is ideal. Frost seeding works well also, especially if the animals are allowed to “hoof” it into the existing pasture. Seed to soil contact is vital to having a successful stand. Plant the seed ¼ inch deep. Each of these grass establishes quickly but weed control and proper management on the initial gratings is vital to stand establishment.