Ed C. – Testimonial
May 8, 2019
Ed C. Lawn Hall of Fame

“My yard needed a lot of extra love and I really had no detailed experience on how to rebuild or maintain a yard. Being a new home owner I really wanted my yard to be extra nice for my family. I came across the Grass Pad via a Facebook reference and decided to stop in there. I learned that they had an early spring lawn clinic and decided to participate. What I learned there and brought back home along with there “idiot proof” lawn program made things so much easier than what I thought. The staff was and continues to be amazing after that visit. It has become my go to for my lawn needs and questions. Mostly, what I enjoy is that it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to do this. They’ve made it to where anyone can do it! Again, just a little elbow grease, love & Grass Pad and you got it!”

-Ed C.

-Papillion NE

Tyler K. – Testimonial

Tyler K. – Testimonial

"I’ve been using Grass Pad’s Idiot-Proof Program ever since I bought my home. Couldn’t be happier with the results and recommend Grass Pad to...


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